Traceless allows you to effortlessly send identity verification requests to your customers and teammates via MS Authenticator and other channels. Our tool also allows your team transmit data and files leaving nothing at rest.
Following these steps, you will be able to use Traceless to seamlessly send MS MFA push notifications directly from your PSA (Halo, CW PSA, Autotask, ServiceNow, etc) or Chat Client (Teams, Slack)...
Steps to connect:
Navigate to and click Connect.
Log in the to the azure tenant you would like to allow Traceless to send push notifications for
Confirm that you'd like to allow Traceless access to your tenant.
After confirmation you should be redirected back to Traceless and it will show which domains you have been confirmed for.
After this you should see the option to send a push via MS Auth in the MFA section of the Traceless UI. If you have any questions, you can open a ticket through the chat widget in the lower right corner or write us an email at
How it works: Our system will attempt reconcile the email of your user with the user in the Azure tenant. This includes UPNs, Email, Secondary email, and aliases. Please reach out if you have any deeper questions.
Troubleshooting: If your users are unable to view push notifications, or they are getting sms messages instead of push notifications.
Ensure that Microsoft Authenticator's push notification settings ( for each user are specified to "Sign-in method when most advisable is unavailable: Microsoft Authenticator - notification."